02 June, 2016

The Invasion of Earth by Paul Barlau

Here's a story by one of our most talented writers.
A future published author.
You read him here first......

It was that day, when most of the Earth’s population ceased to exist. That day, when THEY came. We gave them no provocation that we know of whatsoever. But that didn’t stop them coming, did it? So, that day. I was walking to the shop. There was this blinding light, people started to scream and run for the nearest buildings. These sort of, ‘beams’ of light started raining down on us. Some of us started slowly moving upwards, I grabbed a lamppost and held on for dear life. Useless. The lamppost was wrenched from the ground, and I went with it…
On the ‘Spaceship’ or whatever it was, I saw a shadowy figure move towards a control panel and trap me in a containment tube of sorts. I didn’t know for how long. Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, years. Who knows? One thing I do remember. The face of my captor. I will never forget it, it was so gruesome. So terrifying. So chilling. So sick… So evil! Want to know why? The answer is: I looked exactly, like me… To be continued.