23 November, 2014

Mission to Mars

Check out 'Mission to Mars' written by Paul, Luke, Jake and Karl. It's such a good story we had to make it into a movie.

09 November, 2014

05 September, 2014

Iron Man by Luke Fay

Well done to Luke who completed this amazing picture of Iron Man from memory! 

28 June, 2014

Our Trip to Eu

By Dylan and Cian

14 May, 2014

The Digestive System

Check out the amazing journey our food takes...

13 May, 2014

03 February, 2014

Goal Frenzy!!

Some great goals from Callum, Aaron and Ben.

30 January, 2014

Big Bad Ben

Big bad Ben,
Bursting big balls.
Burning big cars,
Big bad Ben
By Adam Dowdall 

28 January, 2014

I Asked The Little Girl Who Cannot Hear

I asked the little girl who cannot hear,
"What is sound like?"
She thought a while and smiled,
"I think the wind must howl like an injured wolf
And paper tearing is the sharp screech of a tree.
Church bells could be loud and metallic,
Snow falling sounds neat and gentle."